This project has received funding from the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation (SC5-18a-2014) under grant agreement nº 641538
GEOSS is a set of coordinated, independent Earth observation, information and processing systems that interact and provide access to diverse information for a broad range of users in both public and private sectors. GEOSS links these systems to strengthen the monitoring of the state of the Earth. It facilitates the sharing of environmental data and information collected from the large array of observing systems contributed by countries and organizations within GEO. Further, GEOSS ensures that these data are accessible, of identified quality and provenance, and interoperable to support the development of tools and the delivery of information services. Thus, GEOSS increases our understanding of Earth processes and enhances predictive capabilities that underpin sound decision-making: it provides access to data, information and knowledge to a wide variety of users.
ConnectinGEO is under the umbrella of GEOSS and the EU funding with the aim of linking existing coordinated Earth observation networks with the science and technology (S&T) communities, the industry sector and the GEOSS and Copernicus stakeholders.
The goal is to facilitate a broader and more accessible knowledge base to support the needs of the GEO Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) and their users. A broad range of subjects from climate, natural resources and raw materials, to the emerging UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be addressed.
A tangible outcome of the project is a prioritized list of critical gaps within the European Union in observations and the models that translate observations into practice relevant knowledge. The prioritized list also includes the research activities required to address these gaps. All this has to increase coherency in European observation networks, increase the use of Earth observations for assessments and forecasts and inform the planning for future observation systems.
The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) aims to be a global and flexible network of content providers allowing decision makers to access an extraordinary range of information directly on their desk. It brings together existing observing systems around the world while supporting the development of new systems where gaps currently exist.